dorey60 what a neat photo
DonnaW Love these pictures of the 50's. Nice!!!
Misshomespun Adam loves old cars like this. We're working on names for you. I love you.
celticvoice Great photo! Now THAT is the way to hunt! afriend of mine does that evry year in alifornia.
tomswift46 Fantastic Roger! I've been thinking of trying archery but not for hunting...altho a friend of mine brings back delicious venison...makes a great wild turkey stew as well...
aebas I wasn't there, but i realy love the 50's!
apuntes wow! Fantastic !!!!
clara Poor animal!
neko_no_tabi These are really nice. I was born in '86, so I never had a chance to experience the '50s. It's nice to see what life looked like back then.
DonnaW Hi friend!!