God morning Donna ! What a beautiful sky ! Great shot mi amiga !
Neons: yes and no! once they've grown, easy. Young, hard. Not as much salt as other fish (sea salt uis added to all our tanks in small amounts as it the recommendation these days). Feed frozen bloodworms as well as regular fish flakes (they have teeth!). The MINUTE you get them home, treat them for "tetra disease" in a quarantine tank.
Don't put them with other fish that might eat them when they are small (angelfish and gouramis come to mind). They prefer little or noi current (we have a back filter and underground filter so all the current is in the upper layer, they are bottom layer fish.) Won't breed unless the water is VERY soft.
Keep feeding bloodworms (frozen, NOT dried) (I know, I know, the tank gets icky) until they are grown and healthy. If necessary treat them twice for tetra disease (ask ypou fish epert, they know what Rx to give you. Until I did all this I lost *literally several DOZEN* tetras within a week or three of buying them.
Nasty hurricane it was too. Hope you stayed nice and safe.
very unpleasant storm this..I was watching the news today it has claimed a few lives and caused much devastation..
I hope we don't get too much rain from my storm. I hope this is last bad one this year. stay high and dry.
I hope we get some of it
I love this, with the trees peeking out from the bottom of the foto...really unique!
Hi, Donna! I hope You're OK!