rdale1 Try to guess within 10 billion.
doramay How far does a dollar reach in this day and age, huh?
GeoChuck With the shrinking dollar it will just keep going up in numbers.....
ondasemar :)
camerashy Nice shot. Are you feeling ok?
apuntes mmmm... a lot
Ok, I'm bored enough to do this.If I remember right they got to go 24,000 miles around the equator, so 6 at inches length per bill or 2 per foot to start. Now with 5280 feet in a mile x 2 we get 10560 bills in one mile X 24,000 =253 million bills. Did I mess up somewhere? I'm getting in the millions not billions.
rdale1 No David! I messed up. I had 253.4 billion. it should have been millions.
Simple enough error
apuntes re-> not so good..;-) it is dangerous..
maisuma Thank you for posting. Insteresting...
MIKEDONAHUE i almost had it and then i ran out of money
tomswift46 Very funny! I came to late to guess so I'll just collect the money along the trail and reinvest it...now any insiders...oh Martha's out...
maria ;)hi roger!
DonnaW For get it, just give me the money;-)
if i was engaged it wouldn't be to money! :P