pauljapan Amazing photo Roger,looks like playstation,great photo!
tomswift46 I have one somewhat like that from Northern Vermont last summer .If I find it I'll post it. Very well done! I hate when we get those 9.9 earthquakes and the roads buckle and become dreams,don't you?
titawheeler great effect, Roger! good morning:)**
apuntes waow..........! fantastic effect. Good job!!!!!
jtravassos Great! Very nice effect!
inthegan great fun
looks like your camera was wearing beer goggles.
alineos just some fun... but is good!
Funny, that's how the road looks when I try to drive! Good morning my friend! I love this. Actually Mike isn't far off - I was in the big quake of '89 in the SF Bay Area and while it was going on (and on) the parking lot (which I was facing) looked like this to me! SCARY!
Mightymis mr. toad's wild ride!!!!! freaky...
I still can't log on to Fotolog - three days now. I can't even get to the LOGIN page!
GeoChuck Looks like some roads around here.. He He nice effect.
miss_plum wiggity wack!
sallie Hello Roger, thank you! Have a romantic enjoyable day you, too. Very nice this photoshop effect. You imagination has not limits
thebillies Great shot. No I can't even get the page for fotolog up. I wrote to admin and got a reply. They are looking into it. Some people seem to be able to access it. :(
duncan Extraordinary distortion. At least the car's shadow is in the right place. Good morning Roger. My new camera didn't turn up as promised but I guess Valentine's Day would have been busy for couriers.
T4Tots carefully :)
ChicagoEye I like it!!
WOW!!!! I love it.
love it!
tanddjohnson looks like some of out roads around here.
mdanforth very clever!
Jenna2228 This is wicked! I love it!