thank you! i know, it's a sad day but let's try smiling and just keep on going...
We all feel the same way. Let it go. Move on.
Move on? To where? Sorry, but "let it go" bought us yesterday.
Yeah , we had an election too recently and our Bush arse lickin priminister also got back in with a majority :Go figure!!!!.
All great nations eventually self-destruct. Like everything else the U.S. seems to quicker and better at it than anybody else. Unfortunately, they will probably take everybody else with them rather than disintergrate. I can understand your anger since no-one seems to want to apply the brakes. And our Prime-Minister has promised that he will take us with you. All the way with LBJ was our old motto. Our new motto is "Till death do us part".
On the other hand, if God is in control then you have nothing to worry about.
All I can do as a New Yorker is thank the many people in my own country who installed an idiot to protect me from terrorism. Thank you very much.
it is absolutely insane. "ostrich-like" describes some people so well.
I also like the "Moron/A$$hole" one. but this whole thing's really taken the wind out of me and a lot of people I know.
Time to manipulate the system. I encourage people to move to Ohio and to Florida and change the demographics. Take the States by force.
What I mean by move on is; find new ways to influence the politicians now. We lost the vote but we don't have to give up the fight. Tell your congressman or representive how you feel. "The squeeky wheel gets the grease". SQUEEK !
What really irks me is all this talk of a 'mandate". Mandate my butt: a mandate is 70% or more of the popular vote, not a flimsy 51 to 48.5 or whatever the final figures are. It's easier to be an American away from home right now, since I don't have to fact it every time I go out the door...
That's the funny part. The places that HAVE been attacked by terrorists went blue.
rdale1: Now that I do agree with though I still dont think it's enough. After the last four years this shouldnt have even been a race much less a win. That's why I believe the new focus has to be on the people. I can't tell you how many arguments I've had with people voting for Bush, when it came down to me telling the facts, ended with them saying "I just don't want to know."
as if i wasn't down enough yesterday, we had a volunteer here at work (i work for PBS) that sat behind me all day and ran his mouth...he was a conservative republican. i went home and immediately fixed myself a drink....
ps. LOVE the bumper sticker