bean_ HELL YEA. suck it, W!
Familybmx I wish I got a receipt.
rdale1 You got a receipt? I didn't get a reciept.
dude, you tell 'em. i hope you registered ted to vote. my fav line to far is: when clinton lied, nobody died.
epmd73 great shirt. vote vote vote. can you write that off on your taxes?
OmomMach2 I didn't get a receipt, just a sticker. Love the shirt.
bsamp nice
shadowplay damn straight....send the fucker to palookaville...
Pro_Keds beards 4 kerry!
freshpeth ooh, I do hope i get some voter swag!
kevbs give him the chance to clear brush for the rest of his life...
maxamillian That bastard is going down. BUSH YOU'RE FIRED!!
jadewolf9977 Why do I feel like I have to defend Texas....? Not everyone that comes from here wants to rule the world...
Screendmon iVote.
Polls will not close for 3 more hours in CA and the major media corporations will try to predict and effect the outcome of the election with calling just minutes from now. Hell, so I'll give my two cents at this same time: I NOW GIVE MY PREDICTION: KERRY ( AND I DON"T EVEN LIKE HIS PLATFORM- BUT "Fear" THE BUSH-NEO-CONS MORE) By Kerry getting 300 Electoral College votes if he wins Ohio. YET, (and a big yet) anyway this baby goes...the country is in for a bumpy ride. So any other "inf
So any other "informed predictions?"
sharonroom222 I say Bush is playing real dirty from reports and won't give it up.
many dirty, actually, illegal and immoral tactics are being played out, by both sides at this moment,in battle ground states... but the Bush Neo-Cons are far more inhumane in those practices. Despite all that, a disaster would be needed--faux or real, in order to derail this train. Saddest part is--most are not voting for Kerry, they are voting against did we get to this low point in a democracy?
And do you "hate" me Macwagen? I voted for a third party candidate. Just wondering.
I'm not from the U.S., but I DO hope Bush loses.
hotmomma fingers crossed. lovin the length of the lines. hatin the state of my state. damn morons. where have they been getting their news???
MOlive From Fox, of course. Hey, has anyone noticed that Kerry's a Fotoamigo? Check out kerry_kicks_it We might just have the next prez in our midst.
neene don't hate me, check my flog :) love this
NEENE, I love your flog...great job. As for my prediction, man was that wishful thinking or what?
nosuchuserexists I VOTED! (mail in ballot...but I still voted!) Nice shirt...check out the new addition to my family...