rdale1 I'm laughing out loud. I love you guys.
xlime good work guys. perfect!
duncan How scary is that.
meadows i'd be too scared to approach. i'd drop my bag and run. then call the cops.......i like what you said regarding greenpoint vs brownstone neighborhoods. for me, gp is so much more interesting (and beautiful). i don't even mind the vinyl siding. in fact i've come to love it.
Oh, come on on. Tell the truth. You guys dress that way every single day!
Misshomespun it's something alright. LOL I'm sure you guys had a wonderful time, as did the kids.
chrisferry don't drink the Kool Aid
vodka_357 for me it's not so much the costumes as the maniacal smiles
loooooove this! and I like how that hat matches so well with that scarf. contagious smiles.
tanddjohnson looks like you guys had as much fun as the kids. I used to love to give out candy but we don't get any trick or treaters out here.
paulaferrary great shot
lorygrrl This shot is too funny!