welcome! i like it here also have my site at fotolog. i like that one as well...
Personally, I say Mult-Blog.Share your images; join as many quality photo log sites as possible. We need another renaissance. The internet can help a as a tool for renaissance to begin in a developing nation today. All our images and our words about those images, carry weight. Hell, spending time at a good interactive photo weblog site is like going to an art school, the photo weblog site teaches! So, to multi-blog or not to multi-blog, and the question is—whether to carry the word.
J'ai oublié, bienvenue. J'espère que mes pensées ne sont pas folles. Je souhaite un grand raccordement des artistes. Et I possèdent cette compagnie. Drôle ? J'aime votre photographie. J'aime les contrastes. J'attends avec intérêt de regarder votre art à l'avenir.
Welcome to the site. Enjoy while you are here.
not sure why fotolog is having problems; likely due to the high volume of posts and the inherent upkeep of their database... nothing to say that fotoamigo won't run into the same problems down the road