lorygrrl Mmm...I feel the grit of that rock on my hands and the crisp smell in the air. Dizzyingly beautiful.
neene what a trip, beautiful
duncan The thumbnail looked like a pig with his nose in the trough. I've got to get new glasses. I love trains and train lines.
Misshomespun Fantastic shot
Crusty_Bread This a bit renegade…I personally do not like amigo’s interface and know some others may feel the same! I need an alternative to fotolog though and have found a very good one…feel free to join me on fotothing where the designer has assured me they can handle massive traffic without any unwanted disruptions..! http://www.fotothing.com/camdenhq Also know as JDiggle
pixietart what a beaut.
salmon world champions!
Pro_Keds gorge! hang onto that dime for next year please!