jvoves oooo. now that puts me in the mood to read! :)
pixietart the shelves are bending under the weight of the massive beauty
Whatfoibles Yeah, it's the bend in the shelf
zeke_ Over at left there's a wall with no books at all. Weird.
neene stacked
beebs2 bending not breaking
duncan wonderful library.
Batfink musty n dusty but nice
Misshomespun wonderful! and have you journeyed into all of them?
xlime impressive
sebastians_belle oooh, this is brilliant. looks like everything's about to come crashing down!
salmon i'm salivating
Crusty_Bread This a bit renegade…I personally do not like amigo’s interface and know some others may feel the same! I need an alternative to fotolog though and have found a very good one…feel free to join me on fotothing where the designer has assured me they can handle massive traffic without any unwanted disruptions..! http://www.fotothing.com/camdenhq Also know as JDiggle
burgx man... I love books.
markal what a great spot
cloven the unbearable weight of words.
rdale1 I could spend a year there. Just reading.
T4Tots Oh this is nice!!
shirin I find you here as well!
Mightymis timeless....
Eso es una biblioteca, y lo demás tonteria..
pauljapan Plenty of reading here!
Mitxworld nice image!!