jvoves :)
rdale1 I was watching the first Tarzan movie made in 1933 today. Maruen O' Sullivan was putting on boots almost identical to those.
T4Tots Great boots! perfect layout...lucky on the coloring!! Nice.
xlime Love those boots!! Great shot. The color's amazing.
Familybmx This is a hot shot
epmd73 cheater. great one. nice boots.
OmomMach2 those are some serious sh*t stompers. Hey, I had Madge make a purse for Dawn as an anniversary gift. She really dug it.
Kunja tough stuff
alyssas these boots were made for walking...and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!
alyssas nice shot btw!
akasha "one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.."
burgx cool. don't want to make her mad. at least, not without a cup.
jendemon Awesome, you know how I love the combat boots!
rokstar i always wanted boots like that. i don't think they'd go over well in my office. **i need to be a freelancer! ahh!**
ccarriconde !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this style! I love boots!
neene these totally kick ass: boots & photo
gadjo_dilo nice sneakers ;-)
shadowplay excellent mr. dan.....
Juliyap kickin kicks and shot
mizstacie THOSE boots were def made for walking. and kicking ass.