meadows Welcome Mr. Kerry! It is an honor to have you here.
rosebud what a dedication! kick it for real, kerry... KICK IT FOR REAL!
macwagen HAHAHA! Nice! Love that "PLAY SOCCER!" sign... someone needs to photoshop in a certain texan in the soccer ball's place.
curlyperm this is a photoshop job, right?
ribena he has reach!
jjohnson this kicks butt! Go Kerry!
rokstar yea kerry!! rock on!
No this guy is an oddity, ai'm sure he kicked that. He snowboards, waterskis and with only cessna lessons--flew an F15 in the Saudia Arabia, upside down. This guy does his own tricks.
jimvoves good picture and I love Kerry. Hate Bush
jjohnson do you have one of Kerry wrestling by any chance? worth asking...
jvoves :)
kevbs nice kick, please let it be the first of three karmic kicks, the first being the kick pictured, the second the yankees out of the world series race, and the third yours of your opponent from office.
alyssas wow! he's quite flexible.
nosuchuserexists he looks like he's slipping on a banana peel...