Misshomespun beautiful sky great lines
yes sweet lines...electric
tanddjohnson twisty lines. good one Anne.
rdale1 Nice skylines. I hear you rock!
shadowplay +++++++++++++++++
akasha they look empty without a fried squirrel clinging to them...
hey alozi
shadowplay re your question: i think the word 'century' plant is loosely used...but once it blooms,it dies...i have had this one about fifteen years...it was quite amazing when the blossom stalk came out, it seemed to grow a feet a day...
photophox love this sky and industry study.Really nice.
Like a minimalist painting. Perfection.
Mightymis beautiful simplicity...
rokstar nice and simple, yet the technology is so complex.
jjohnson GO SOX!!! TOP OF THE 11th. YES. Struck out the side!!!! Now let's bring the bats.
hoboz some day they will be gone
post please
xlime love this