lorygrrl Wow. Your photos are so sensual. Color, texture...beautiful.
ribena whimsical o. bewitching as always. I like the close shot, but I miss the stalks of grain. neither one came out quite as I wanted.
shadowplay mysterious beauty....
Misshomespun simple beauty
ccarriconde poetry!
nepenthes beutiful image!! having a lot of fun here! :)
ex50mm oh!! neene!! this is so so so beautiful, i am beyond words. the delicacies of this composition and subject are... exquisite. just exquisite. and you even have those tiny snowy flowers... (revering silence)
rdale1 Wow!
Ingrid so elegant
rdale1 Nice still life on fotolog.
velvetgold81 beautiful
Whatfoibles Wow! It looks like a trick shot, but isn't. You're flying, and we can't see the wires.
zenog oh! deep in my heart!