vodka_357 I'm putting the same sticker on my car later today. These debates have started to generate a little hope that the electorate can be energized by Kerry/Edwards actually laying out some proposals and settle for Bush saying everything is ok.
Familybmx Yep Yep
rdale1 You tell 'em guys.
I have a pulsing hatred of the Bush/Cheney Admin in my belly, but i'll bet anyone, CASH that Kerry/Edwards are going down.
But it means get ready for the doors of HELL to open over the next four years.
macwagen i so can't wait till november 2nd
nepenthes hello! i signed up here yesterday. this looks better than flickr to me. lemme add you! :)
nepenthes they (flickR) are trying to improve the site... sounds like something i have heard before... hehehe anyways.. i'm having a real hard time switching.. if i were to switch to any other i think im more inclined to stay here. It's cleaner, not much stuff on the home page.. you know what i mean.. i like simplified things and i found FlickR kinda like: Too much useless stuff. I just want to upload my images, get my comments and commet. lots of frills there.. i dunno.. let's see. thanks for visit
JUST MULTI-FLOG people, show the whole world your images in as many ways and places taht you can.