Misshomespun Great shot. Beautiful colors in is feathers.
rdale1 Sub-lime!
This is beautiful, and that faint line sliding into him, attempting his curves, is fine. Is he sleeping? or just concerned that his wings look unattached? wink.
OmomMach2 Awesome shot. I would never, never get that close to take a shot. Saw "The Birds" when I was five, anything with wings still creeps me out...
ulbekis wow, i never knew they had such pretty coloring
don't hide your love away
ribena soft and subtle. is this bklyn?? (mine is syria, virginia.)
smartita I saw a pelican like this in Mykonos :D
Pro_Keds wow!!!
shadowplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shadowplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shadowplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shadowplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
agitrons hunh? looks kinda obscene even once I get what it is, must be my imagination : )