rdale1 Well welcome to ours. Stay as long as you like. Nice shot by the way.
Come in, hang out; multi-flog with too, it helps share good art imagres arounf the world frankly. and hey, nice pic, composition, hues, framing--like to see more gini. Oh, noticed your signiture, well we are big into copyrights for artists on the web...so if you want to discuss it sometime drop on by my album...I like to talk and talk and talk...so welcome AMIG0
Misshomespun Great shot. Welcome to FotoAmigo. You'll love it here.
lucycat Good morning, Gini! I signed up here yesterday. Looks nice, doesn't it? Glad to see you here. I just tried to upload a pic over at Flickr; will try again later. At least a bunch of us now have alternate means of staying in touch and sharing our pics. Pretty fishies!
tanddjohnson welcome aboard and hope you enjoy. like the fishies too.
cool i've got pictures of the aquarium too.