MIKEDONAHUE Hello Trina, havent heard from yoy latly, how are you ?
jimvoves How are you? Got to keep up with my cousin
squeegee we eagerly await the bunting capture ...
pauljapan nice pic!Hi Trina.
tomswift46 That's a beauty! I hope that all is well...I'm making it to the end of the school year...
DonnaW Hi Trina, Nice shot..have not seen any Grosbeaks here. How have you been?? Hope all is well with you and David It has been in the low 80's here.I love it ;)
jimvoves You guys not only take great pics of birds but know them by name.
dizzy Fantastic..
dorey60 Hi Trina, Looks like you are very busy, not on here to much like me. Had some new pictures. Pam is in the hosp. Not too good. She is very run down. Has lost 67 pounds.