jimvoves The things I could do when I was 24
DonnaW Nice pic!! Oh yes! to be 24 again and know what I know now ;) Re: I have hundreds of dandelions in my yard..I think they are pretty. they add a nice color this time of year.
celticvoice Oh yeah . . . I can't do a lot of stuff I could do then . . . (I was 24 in 1981)
tomswift46 Ah, that's the year I asked you about in the next pic...but I got backwards...as would we all want to...At 24(1970) I went to the virgin islands with a pup tent and backpack and camped for 11 days on St. Johns and went across country with 3 other people for 9 weeks and worked on and off before I got my first teaching job in 1971...Is that a Howitzer?