Looks like they are going for a cool swim on a hot day
Cute! Man it's colllllld again- arctic winds again, I wish we had that gas stove . . . did Ed answer yer question? he knew exactly what you meant - said the new ones are really great and quiet (old ones were noisy)
PS i's a DEAD LP cover . . . as in grateful, whioch ihe is a new fan of! (gag! LOL!! I never liked them much - he loooves the concert albums, eeeuuww, ya have ta be stoned or an airhead to love them , I think :D They seem to be a Love 'em or nopt" band, all the deadheads I know/knew were FANatical!)
Oops too cold can't typsfsdfksdfgskufjhskfhsd
I shouldn't say boilers are East Coast- I just never lived in a house with one, although I SAW radiators in places like school. My grade school in Santa Cruz had floor-piped radiant heat, now THAT'S wonderful stuff! Old houses here stll have a thier wood burning furnaes in the basement, the chimbley here is from one but it was removed. In California especially SF there were "gravity" heaters, never undertsood that word. Huge furnace with arms snaking out in the garage or basement, air flowed up through large vents on the walls at floor level (my bro and I shared one in Santa Cruz, we talked through it at night!), no blower, no noise, marvelous heat. I miss them thangs, but they were so HUGE!
the new water heater with the coil, will be quite.