cateycate what's playin good lookin?
cateycate hi! i was reading that article!
cateycate no labeling that is just nuts.
mittensohmy are you listening to "everybody dance now" again?
johnphotograph there is a new everybody dance now remix they are playing at the games.....its good! lol
johnphotograph from C+C music factory! did i send you JJ and lula Pics? i forget..... night xoxo
johnphotograph fotolog was where it all started ya know? i sorta always want to keep a presence on there because of that. and to support andrew.
tomswift46 That's a seatbelt...oh and I thought u were laying down..some beds can be a bumpy ride...
birdie aw, music to my eyes! love you cookie xx
Paperheart Cookie, please play a song for me!!!
birdballet i love the slideshow feature cookie! you are the beesknees. xxo