Misshomespun I saw my picture on the news this morning around 5:15. I know that it is silly but still kind of exciting. I could complain, but it wouldn't change anything. My hands are hurting pretty badly though. I just can't type, or create like I use to... How are you doing this morning dear??? BTW, BEAUTIFUL sky, huh???
celticvoice DID I LIKE YOUR FROG? Are you NUTS? I LOVED HIM!! HEEHEE HEEEEEEEEE I just forgot to tell ya! I hsve to copy the pics of the eBay froggie teapot and cup for you, too funny! Not sure I could stand looking at them all day though! ;D KISS THAT FROG!
Misshomespun I don't think that I will get a mug. They didn't ask for my full address, so I think that I got hosed. LOL But who knows. Hugs dear.