celticvoice Ouch that hurts. We have snow on teh ground but nothing like Colorado, the forecast was wrong again thnak goodness. And the winds did down so it's not so BRRRRRRRR. Didja get you cooooookie jar?? I saw there was another plus a new one . . .
tomswift46 Is the person ok? their car? We are so careful coming back from Vermont...we've had deer lope out yards in front of us..and my wife had a group of turkey on the Taconic Parkway in front of her...we have lucked out so far... Super shot! HANY(Happy almost...)
squeegee three - i would underline if i knew how - three of those guys are completely up in the air!!! ...extra credit!!!
pauljapan Have a Happy New Year,may it be filled with good health and heaps of happiness!