rdale1 Yeh! It's that time isn't it?
Hi Wacky!
Gulliver Un color, un ojo.
Gulliver Un sabor.
meadows i updated my colors just for. go sox!
kevbs sweet bog.
duncan Something new to me.I have seen adds for cranberry juice, and I know about Cranberry sauce, but that's all.This picture doesn't help. Is this the fruit only or is that how it grows. Forgive my ignorance.
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet shot alozi.
rdale1 Duncan: Cranberries grow on bushes. This is how they are harvested. The bogs are flooded and the berries float off. Easier than picking them.
alozi well done, rdale. you know your cranberries.
tanddjohnson that is so cool. thanks roger because I didn't know that either.
jjohnson nice capture alozi...and very good for your kidneys I'm told.
your bladder too!!!!
Misshomespun I didn't know how they harvested them either. Thanks for the info.
Very cool! Thanks for this one!