Paperheart I glad to see her wearing a helmet with those heels on!
jimvoves Years ago when I was young snow was very fun, Today at 65 years it's just cold and wet. Wish I was in Florida. A very lovely young lady in a pink helmet.
mittensohmy this is an oldie, right? so so good. i know! i'm so excited about my date with cate! also, i have my moomin on the coffee table and am filled with warmness every time i look at it! gosh, i luv you!
brunocerous fashion involves risks
birdie monchichi jingle is stuck in my head!
tomswift46 I saw this alien abduction site where they were "jokingly" selling helmets to protect your Fun,beautiful shot!
paola looks like the e-mail confirmation was never sent so i made me up a new like?
johnphotograph brings the movie garden state to mind
nyckamel wowwow