tanddjohnson David and Roger's Dad is home but still not doing good. His kidneys are not working at all. He will be taken to dialysis 3 times a week by MedCorp. I think we are just living with borrowed time. We live day to day.
pauljapan Hope he comes right,nice close up,Trina....
jimvoves I find it very hard to comment on sad things. Lets just hope for the best.
DonnaW You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I got a call today from my cousin,my aunt is in the hospital, she is 84 and it doesn't look good. I guess I will be going down to Rommey this week to see her before it's to late.
DonnaW Romney not Rommey
tomswift46 I hope he doesn't suffer. Sorry for your difficult times. I have been readjusting to teaching again...waiting for the next weekend,vacation...I have done this for a long long time. Not bad, just tiresome.
Misshomespun BEAUTIFUL PIC. I LOVE YOU! Please give grandpa a HUG and KISS for me... as well as Dad.
GeoChuck Nice photo and our prayers are with you and your Gramps.
tomswift46 People do the "Wave" for no reason other than it's fun and they want something to happen....
DonnaW Jacob had a doctors appointment in Elkins, just a check-up. They are calling for the 30's in the mountains for Wednesday night. the high today was only around 66 and sunny.
PETERGILBERT What a beautiful self portrait,,,
clara Very beautiful! Red is charming!
pauljapan Hello Trina,Hey Amigo, how are you???
DonnaW Hi Trina, How are you and David doing? Hope David's dad is doing better.