celticvoice My high school graduation photo (the only one)... My mom did not want me to move to San Francisco. That's me da on the left, me Aunt B on the far right. I am holding "Pharo", then my mom's cat (Burmese), later Aunt B's.
DonnaW Nice pic!! Everyone has to leave home and start their own life. It is still cloudy and humid here. Have a great day ; - )
GeoChuck Parting is bitter sweet, you want to move on and yet it's comforable at home. Nice to have this remeberance.
mittensohmy SF is one of my fave cities. You look so happy and proud and look at those clothes and hairstyles! I'm luvvin' it! I remember leaving to go off to UC Santa Cruz. It was hard, but exciting. My mom cried and that was the worst part.
aebas As time goes by!!
cateycate ties that bind