PETERGILBERT What a Sweety,,,hello Di,how the (*&^&&*^*()& are ya,,,,LOLOL
Misshomespun Such a strong looking mug... Hello everyone.
Celtic_Husband That's our Jesse.
aebas Beauuuuuuutiful!!!
tomswift46 Can he tell the weather too? Bright eyes! Terrifc cat portrait! Chili scratches the edges of the couch and when I come over rolls over on his back and purrs... Never saw the art gallery owner..I think he rethought his desire to see me..oh well..I enjoy being creative and it might be nice to exhibit but I'm not really hungry for it. I'm like the old timey folkies who sat on their porch and played their guitars and banjos..if you'd like to listen and watch feel free but I'm in no mood to go on the road...
DonnaW Good morning Diane, Hope everyone is doing fine. I have a cold, not feeling to good today. Have a great day ; - )
poppejoppe Cute! re: I hadn't been to Denmark for 35 years.. Finally my wife agreed to spend our vacation in Denmark this year. We had a great time! More pics on Flickr: and my computer: