tanddjohnson Fun in the sun and what a good way to beat the summer heat. Hope you feel better soon Missy. Sorry I missed you last week.
celticvoice That ain't hippie hair, it's cool hair. He just ain't got a football cut, that's all. Happy, good looking young man. Now you know why 'camerashy' put in that big tub. Water therapy be gooood stuff. We have special classes at the "Y" here for water exercise for people like you and me (do I go? No . . . hee hee). (as in stiff or in pain - I am stiff a lot as I am more active in my own home, I actually GO OUTSIDE ::gasp:: If I was normal the stiffness would wear off but I'm not so it's a daily thing. I also invested in a flotation bed years back - wooooonderful. I'll never have a regular matress again! It has two bags, his and hers. His is waveless, me, I like a little wave so it's just somewhat 'baffled' inside so it doesn't gurgle. Uses conventional sheets. If Ed didn't like his, he could put an air unit on his side or a "conventional" insert. Very versatile.
celticvoice My hips hurt a lot, I am afraids one day I'll have to have a replacement so I don't lift anything heavy anymore, also cannot ride like I used to - or sit, or run, or . . .
jimvoves Happy birthday to Melissa
celticvoice HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Prayers for no pain coming your way!!!!!