Your dad worked hard . . . I pray he's recobvering and not suffering . . . also your "step-mom". Amazing pics, I wish I had seen that film. So many people have had to fight SO HARD for decentrightd, and now they are being eroded again (the unions, IMHO, got too greedy and who lost out? The workers, of course!)
Ive been down in some of the minds here in Canada(sault and nickle)not a nice place to work,,great photos Roge,,,
A job that needs to be done and my hats off to those who do it but what a job made for robots..the 3 Ds: dirty ,dangerous and dull....The Mine companies obviously don't care about losing workers once in awhile and the Gov't. is useless in following up... Great shot Roger!
That's why I asked about a company town, matches what I have heard about them. HOORAY FOR DAD AND PEGGY!