Misshomespun Good morning. I love you. Bad bad day...
DonnaW That red thing looks like a ufo or a red ghost ;-) It is 83 here and very windy. Had a great time last night got home around 11:30.
celticvoice Wonderful shot - here it's 89 and "feels like" 97, thunder boomers on the way, I hope they bring rain like day before yesterday . . .
celticvoice PS I LOVE this shot!
clara Oh, I see the UFO!
DonnaW Just call me a wild thing lol ;-) 11:00 is my bed time. When I was younger I would stay out until 2 or 3 in the morning, now I am lucky to be up at 11:30. ;-)
celticvoice How's your dad, I saw he's coming home?
cookie the forest is a magical place
tomswift46 I love that red..it looks like a Martian invasion... It's gonna rain on the parade today it would seem. Have a great 4th of july!