KateCatnip Mm looks toasty
rheckes great - Hey how's your account behavior? you have the right number of uploads left and so forth?
PETERGILBERT ahhh,how inviting,my wants one for the bedroom,
PETERGILBERT "OH" and thanks for getting FOTOAMIGO back up and running,,,
rheckes ok - remember when we were making improvements to the version control system yesterday? well we added the webconfig file as one of the accepted file types, so when I finally ran the updates, thats when our paypal settings got hosed. But I'll take care of it right now and we can test it again.
rheckes OK - if you try to upgrade an existing memebership or create a new paid membership the paypal link is working - it goes to the FotoAmigo Paypal
maxshell jakuzy before beach