dizzy What a shot...A crane fly? good macro...
camerashy Cool shot...bugs just amaze me! As a child I was always turning rocks over to see what was under them..scared myself a lot!!
tomswift46 Terrific shot!
Run, Donna! Run! It's an alien! ;}
candyruth Very well proportioned legs. Mine aren't like that. Great close up!
What do we calll these? Oh yeah, mosqito hawks! I found a site called "What's that bug?"!! I have identified the green "flies" - they really ARE bees - "metallic greeen bees" - that's the name! But I did not find the other so I wrote to them! www.whatsthatbug.com
tanddjohnson excellent close up Donna. Hope you are feeling better and better.
PS I didn't mean to sound contradictory, this IS a crane fly, which is a "true fly" according to "What's That Bug" - I never knew it was a REAL fly! :) I can't wait to hear about that fuzzy thing, I can't find any site that has one like it!!!
PS I pray you feel better!!!