dorey60 Lovely picture. A girlfriend gave me a printing of the ribbon girls a long time ago. I just add the ribbon and lace and what ever to them. As soon as I get them out of storage I will send you a copy. However it may be a few months. Our house won't be done for 6 months and everything in storage till then. LOL
rdale1 Nice dove Donna. I thought it was part of the bird bath in the thumbnail.
tanddjohnson Just a quick bath and a fresh drink of water. Great capture Donna. It is a gloomy day today and alot cooler. I turned the AC off and opened the house up. I love it with the doors and windows open. Have a great day.
camerashy Soooo nice! sweet!
WONDERFUL capture! Is the other bird a dove too???
candyruth What a great shot! I have 2 birds permanently on my birdbath - but they're cast iron - dependable, but not so delightful as these! Your photos of your mom's garden are wonderful!