tanddjohnson I guess that would do the job. at least it's a cheaper way to go.
candyruth An odd choice, but it should last! I like looking at old graveyards, too.
Wow, that is cool. What part of WY is this - east or west? (We are across the eastern border from Gillette)
I don't know about cheap, if it's a modern "petrifact" it's protected by law. It sure is pretty. And heavy too!
KateCatnip It looks like an elephant foot :) cool
dizzy Wow!!
GeoChuck Cool find. not like the Midwest at all.
delirious looks like a cow's flaring nostrils.
KateCatnip Wow thats really neat
gaiyang46 Wonder how long it's been there.
tomswift46 Very interesting!