got that fire wall closed down in dos tonight and most problems fixed, still have a bug to contend with but i will get some soft ware to take care of that. have a good evening
Hi Mac, more re "DaVinci" and what's real and what's not (depite what the book claims) in an article here: http://www.fotoamigo.com/celticvoice/?id=31859 As for fiction/novels based on Christ, that's up to the taste of the reader, doen't bother me until people like those reading the DaVinci Code go around saying the books is TRUE! (and they are! - even in other books, quoting Brown's book ats their "source")
You say what I feel more eloquently than I can. If people read *any* of these books without listening for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then they'll believe what they wnt to believe. I read the Da Vinci Code and was upset because I knew from my prayers and what I heard as guidance that many people would be led astray and they were. You won't be. Da Vinci the artist does not deserve to be portrayed as hew was. Regardless, I am saying here that you are right in what you wrote, I agree compl
Regardless, I am saying here that you are right in what you wrote, I agree completely
Awsome colors and a fabulous effect...
I forgot to say how veey much I like this!!!!! A LOT!
what a great image you have here.
I have yet to see one in person very well done Mac.