rdale1 Lovely! Is this your daughter?
rdale1 I have seen terrylea many times and used to chat with her(him) but fotolog doesn't support my imac explorer browser any more. I'd love to see terrylea get a free site on fotoamigo.
Misshomespun beautiful. enchanting. exquiste
tanddjohnson The detail is wonderful. Beautiful young lady.
well done, crisp and beautiful
Rdale, he is a professional photographer of models. Hopefully, lightpainter will post many.
lightpainter This is not my daughter - but one of my favorite subjects. I'm not really a professional. I do make some money with photography but not my living. Most of the portrait work I do is for myself. I need to be more aggressive about getting a stock agency that will really work for me but I haven't gotten around to it. I'm on the mac too, on OS X and both explorer and safari work on fotolog. Are you on OS 9? Terrylea is a woman btw.
lightpainter and thanks for the warm welcome I've received here.
lexy33 beautiful shot!!!
Gulliver You are a looky man. Beauty are around you.
mmmsomething very nice...