candyruth Yea, Shady, you do look like a ridgeback, who ate a chow. Nice foto, CG.
cglovesdogs OK once and for all, she's not a ridgeback! (Although now that you mention it she does look like one, except for that spotted tongue).
candyruth she looks like a ridgeback - have you met her folks?
robrooklyn I don't care if she is a ridgeback or not she is cute.
robrooklyn I like her ears and Candy does look like B. Dereck (sp)
candyruth must be the cornrows
She does look like a ridgeback sorry! But I can see the pit bull/chow as well. What a cross, yipe! Thank goodness she's well raised with love! (I see chows and cross the street - had a run-in with a nahsty one once, that was enough!) And Candy DOES look a bit like Bo, but a lot more character!
NonerSays Shady is beautiful, and pitt all over! I've never seen another dog that can smile quite like a pitbull. And those spots looks like my Rusty's tounge. (He is Golden retreiver/Chow mix)
tomswift46 We have Melys..a greyhound/german shepherd/pit bull mix and sweet as can be....Glad to meet ya Shady!
duncan Pitbull and similar breeds have just been outlawed in Australia.They have had too many chances and can't tell the difference between a friend and a child. I think it's the fault of their owners. Dogs are great mimickers. I didn't think Dereck had a face like that. Come to think of it, I cant remember what Dereck's face looked like.