jjohnson this is hillarious! did you see mr. ferry is on the site too?
jjohnson you have a scanner? digital camera?
jjohnson you can enter a BIO in the MY ACCOUNT header, as well as keywords of your interests (for example: music rock climbing travel) Check it out.
funky...and so so small
jjohnson any photos of Bend, OR, where you live? I'd like to see your digs..
shoriline hi dorothy, it's lori!! xoxo
jahickenlooper Hey I have been to bend, OR. It's is near Boring, Or I love that town. Really my favorite part of this great nation. I Think I saw one of these on my travels
superfreak Wow! This is Japanese TV station's official charactor. http://www.nhk.or.jp/bs/ His realy name is "BS doumo-kun". :))
damn skippy..uprising of the nuggets!! they won't stand for this!
jjohnson more nuggets!
rdale1 Dorthy, need more photos.
paulrobere I love this little japanese animal man. I hear this doumo-kun eats lots of yummy hamburgers.
jjohnson where you be D? what up? how's tricks?
more please
Batfink nice teeth