Truus Yes I see much winds..Nice photo..
tomswift46 Stars and Stripes unwinding in the winds and we thought the times they were a changin but they stalled like an old car in the snow.
tomswift46 Snowday and all day play for me....like a schoolboy so many years later..
benwatt Very good! Stars in the night :-)
GeoChuck We had another dusting last night but sun out today.
meadows the storm was a bust over here too. i'm disappointed.
doramay good morning. it's still snowing (lightly) I think they said we got 4-8". I do have some cancellations but I'm in a funk today and not doing as much as I should.
KariMelissa I wish I could say the same here, we got so much snow!! It took me an hour to get to work and it's 15 miles away from home!
doramay If you are referring to atmospheric changes, you're my favorite weatherman. The weather rept just said it was going to stop, then start up again tonight, with a total of 5-8".
Misshomespun Good morning. I LOVE YOU!!!
Saddened by tomswift’s remark “we thought the times they were a changing but they stalled like an old car in the snow,” The comment is not just revisionist, it is politically and socially naïve at best, and a hit and run divisive act of a ideologue sycophant at worst. Yes, it was a minority of progressive citizens of the 60’s and 70’s actively involved in social movements, now thought to be between 3 to 5 percent of the population by political researchers…but these people and their movements , w
whether one agreed with them or not, were for the majority of cases, strengthening the Bill of Rights through their direct actions. Conversely, we have a well organized Neo-conservative movement (note, not Conservative or Republican) who number about the same population percentage as their early progressive predecessors. But this new movement is highly organized, deeply entrenched in all levels of government and their goals are not freedom for individuals, but economic freedom for the very few.
And, this movement rules by fear. So the the Neo’s methods and goals are to destroy the very fabric and constructs that the average citizen believes ( from lief” old English from wish or desire” what the US flag stands for. Because it has not hit every home as of yet, the net result is that too many are being fooled by the power of this movements silent hit and run tactics. The Neo-cons attempt to suppress polemics. Polemics are what make the US a Republic (“a political order in which the supre
(“a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote”) with a democracy ( “where the common people, considered as the primary source of political power” ) Polemics means that that right to dissent by the people is what makes a country a democracy. It was the famous republican Abraham Lincoln who said this is a country “for the people and by the people”. That is slipping away now, and therefore it is becoming a not a country where the falg means less
The flag is a symbol of every citizens’ right to express themselves according to the Bill of Rights, best known--the first amendment. Anti-war protesters of 30 years ago did not stop the war in Vietnam…the economics of war did. Civil rights advocates did not bring civil rights to all people….however both groups made great strides in allowing people to express their right to dissent. The times did change and for the best of what the flag stands for. To deny that is to not understand what freedom
freedom really means. Freedom does not just mean safety. Freedom also means “Liberty of the person from slavery, unlawful detention, or oppression”. We do not fight on the battlefield for the flag. We should fight for the freedom of people, all people. Yet the times are changing today and not like a stalled car. It is a Mack truck barreling down upon us and upon what the US flag stands for. That truck is also about to run over the majority of citizens standing behind that flag, via the Patriot
via the Patriot Act, Intelligence Bills, and the constant acceleration of bills flying through congress over the last 3 years, that are eroding the US Constitution. So many are ignorant to this desecration of “the flag, the republic and democracy,” others are complacent. But hear me well, changes in the checks and balances on just law enforcement alone threatens the all our rights, because without a warrant and without probable cause, the FBI now has the power to access your most private medi
private medical records, your library records, and your student records... and can prevent anyone from telling you it was done. The oft quoted, and yes conservative “ founding father” seems to sum this up best when he stated Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Now many read this line and say “so be it”, well, as this neo-political movement against everything “the flag” stands for grows faster and unchecked, I will
I will find it so sad that individuals will only scream “foul” when the Feds come knocking on their door, as the citizen thinks “maybe I shouldn’t have been saying ‘but for the grace of God go I’, maybe I should have been thinking and acting for of all my fellow citizens in this republic, long ago” But too late baby, unless you wake up now, learn that the US Empire is slipping into a fascist state. Fascist? Yeah, fascism is nothing more than “a system of government marked by centralization of a
authority, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.” So basically, no, the car is not stalled and but the Flag is coming down. I suggest you just try to open your minds and while you are at it, memorize this old poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller “First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak o
and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Discouraging that 5 or so hours have passed on one of the most viewed photos of the day and there is not one response to my comments? Hell yeah. Perhaps real Patriots may only come out when caught in a foxhole. Complacency does breed vulnerability...but from within...as in the end of all empires... history has demonstrated this time and time again. Or, perhaps I have only been involved in the creation of a service where people look at all the “pretty pictures” without analyzing their content be
Discouraging that 5 or so hours have passed on one of the most viewed photos of the day and there is not one response to my comments? Hell yeah. Perhaps real Patriots may only come out when caught in a foxhole. Complacency does breed their content beyond their most superfercial aesthetic value…in which case I have only aided in adding to the deluge of unfettered daily images (without contextual ties) that are bombarding developed societies, destroying critical thought in their citizens and “d
citizens and “dumbing” us all down in the process. So, maybe one catalyst in this grand loss of “true” freedom…falls on me.
Thanks for the space Roger. See this is what happens when I don't talk for a while... you know I have a bit of a holy terror just waiting inside of me. Oh, it is a really cool capture of the flag by the way. David