thebillies To you too. Fotolog is back up and running again now.
miss_plum there's a lot of this guy going around on the internet today...
tanddjohnson Yep, that's my Rodney. He was a fine rooster.
Misshomespun Fine rosster indeed. Happy Chinese New Year.
Misshomespun lol rooster***
GeoChuck Nice. Happy Rooster I mean New Year...
doramay Ahh poor Rodney. But I bet his life was full. Sure - about the spring - when do you usually show up here?
doramay Did you ever live in the valley yourself? If so, when? My computer's suddenly getting really slow. I might sign off and do a defrag.
tomswift46 My son is the Academic Advisor at Sig Ep and teaches(TA) beginning programming as he goes for his PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence. He's moving with some guys from his Lab as soon as they find a place. We'll be visiting him in April for a Pentangle concert at the IronHorse in Northampton.