GeoChuck I like being happy I'll take one..
Misshomespun is that a money back guarantee???
bean_ is that the same happy ending that you get at the "massage" place? *oh my*
Then I'll take a hammer to the back of the head after I just deeply inhaled from a marlboro, taken a long drink of damn hot coffee-- black of course, all while staring at something very pretty and listening to a really good song from the 70's. Ahh, good meal with a real happy ending. Curtains close.
miss_plum hahahahaha!!!
duncan I thought euthenasia was illegal.
zeke_ Oh man, my wife has such a dirty mind. I must confess, though, that that was my first thought as well...
vodka_357 happy happy joy joy
T4Tots Makes me worry about eating the homestyle meal...