rdale1 Ouch! That even hurts me.
duncan Bad luck.
cookie i love that this is the featured pic. dude that is so gnarly. i am totally feeling for you. hope it gets better fast.
I just sat down, while eating pizza, looked closer and thought to myself...................................god, I could use another piece. Yummy.
mdanforth it looks like a shoulder in the thumbnail - be careful with those sharp instruments
tanddjohnson now that's some great sewing. hope it heals up good for you. how did you do it?
mizstacie gnarls in charge
epmd73 eeek. hope that heals well.
anonmz ouchie... hopefully? oh, dear...
xlime eek..looks like a job for frozen peas.
pixietart uuughh!
beebs2 i'm about ta wash some dishes. i've suddenly developed a phobia.